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Balsam poplar (Populus Balsamifera) essential oil

Sale price179,00 NOK

The fragrance of Balsam Poplar essential oil is unique and inherently soothing, with a combination of mild sweetness and refreshing undertones reminiscent of a breeze blowing through a dense green forest. This blend gives users a sense of calm and peace, which further enhances the therapeutic effects of aromatherapy.
The Balsam Poplar (Populus balsamifera) tree is originally from Brazil and has been used traditionally for centuries for the extraction of essential oils, thanks to its rich composition of beneficial compounds. The oil, which is extracted from the buds of the tree, is distilled and processed, and has an unrivaled freshness that preserves the natural essence of its plant origin.
In terms of benefits, Balsam Poplar essential oil's antiseptic properties are particularly noteworthy. In particular, it can aid in wound healing when applied topically, by helping to prevent infection, improve skin health and promote healing. This property gives significant functionality to the oil's areas of use, and makes it a valuable component in various personal care products.

Denne oljen har en rik aroma med innslag av vanilje, honning og subtile treaktige toner, noe som gjør den til en favoritt innen aromaterapi og naturlig velvære.


Aromatherapy benefits


Due to its potent properties, Cedarwood Essential Oil acts as a natural air purifier, eliminating harmful bacteria and creating a clean, soothing atmosphere.


A source of antioxidants, Cedarwood Essential Oil can help maintain skin health, promote a youthful complexion, and fight off harmful free radicals.


Oljen blander seg godt med andre eteriske oljer som lavendel, sedertre, gran, sitrusoljer og krydderoljer, noe som gjør den allsidig for å skape unike og behagelige duftkombinasjoner.

Relevante artikler og studier

Take advantage of Cedarwood's air purifying qualities and enticing aroma by using it in an essential oil diffuser. Just add a few drops to the water in your diffuser and enjoy the calming, fresh scent that permeates your space. This method not only freshens your surroundings, but also aids in stress and anxiety reduction.